Article Submission

Neuropharmacology and Therapy (NPT) is a platinum open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing original papers on various topics in neuropharmacology with a focus on regiments and mechanisms of new drugs and neurosurgical therapies of various dysfunctions in the nervous system. NPT welcomes research contributions with respect to the fundamental biology and clinical treatments of neurological diseases and their role in normal tissue development, homeostasis, plasticity, and regeneration. NPT provides an open platform to facilitate communication between neuroscientists and surgeons within this field.

NPT welcomes the submission of research articles, review articles, commentaries, letters to the Editor, insights and methods.

Submissions to NPT are made using ScholarOne, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access are available at

Before submission, Neuropharmacology and Therapy (NPT) requires that authors should prepare their paper and other supplementary files to comply with the Instructions to Authors.

Authors should note that all submitted papers are subject to rigorous single-blind peer review. Before the peer review process, all manuscripts will be pre-checked for conformity with the aims and scope of the journal, and novelty for original research articles, and language used.

Original research work must be novel and have not been previously published. Multiple submissions and redundant publications of a paper are prohibited.


Each author should make substantial contributions to the conception or design of the article, including but not limited to the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data, writing a manuscript or making substantive revisions to the manuscript. All authors need to review the final version of the manuscript before submission and should also comment on the final approval of the forthcoming version of the article.

Individuals who do not meet the above requirements but have made valuable contributions to the article can be listed in the Acknowledgments of the manuscript.

Author contributions should be stated in the cover letter or the article when submitting the manuscript.

Corresponding author

The corresponding author take primary responsibility for communication with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process to ensure that all the journal’s requirements, such as providing details of authorship, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and gathering conflict of interest forms and statements, are properly satisfied.


NPT lists contributors in two ways: list of authors’ names published at the beginning of a paper; and contributors’ listings (some of whom may not be included as authors) at the end of the paper in the Acknowledgments section.

Alteration to authorship or contributorship

Authorship must be fully determined before manuscript submission. If authorship needs to be changed after submission, it must be approved by all authors. This applies to additions, deletions, change of order to the authors, or contributions being attributed differently. Any alterations must be fully outlined to the editorial office in writing. After careful review by the editorial office, the corresponding modification will be made if deemed acceptable.

Before submission, NPT requires that authors should prepare their papers and other supplementary files to comply with Guide for Authors.

Authors should note that all submitted papers are subject to rigorous single-blind peer review. Before the peer review process, all manuscripts will be pre-checked for conformity with the aims and scope of the journal, and novelty for original research article, and language used.

Original research work must be novel and has not been previously published. Multiple submissions and redundant publications of a paper are prohibited.

Please see Instructions to Authors for further information.